(610) 280-0610. Aging Waiver Transition Plan and Settings Analysis Chart, Attendant Care Transition Plan and Settings Analysis Chart, Independence Transition Plan and Settings Analysis Chart, CommCare Transition Plan and Settings Analysis Chart, OBRA Transition Plan and Settings Analysis Chart, OLTL CMS Final Rule Stakeholder Meeting-Final Report, OLTL CMS Final Rule Stakeholder Meeting Power point, http://www.medicaid.gov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program-Information/By-Topics/Long-Term-Services-and-Supports/Home-and-Community-Based-Services/Home-and-Community-Based-Services.html. Search. Answered calls and voicemails left by . Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Pennsylvania Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) Overview | PPL Participants and their workers can contact Tempus at the following information listed below. Calls to the Hotline may be anonymous and will not result in. DCWs who provided services from 7/1/2021 through 9/30/2021 AND who remained active workers as of 7/1/2022 qualify to receive the one-time payment. Choose to view your paycheck information online instead of receiving a paper statement. PA Long-Term Care Council - Pennsylvania Department of Aging The ESE will be responsible for activities currently performed by the Independent Assessment Entity, the AAAs, and the IEB that may not be related to completing eligibility and enrollment for LTSS benefits. Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) Services and Supports Directory: Adult Autism Waiver: Service Definitions : Provider Directory Public Partnerships LLC (PPL) , Tempus Unlimited (Tempus) , and the Community HealthChoices (CHC) Manage Care Organizations (MCOs) worked with the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) to determine the one-time payment amounts for qualifying DCWs. Long-Term Care Services Long-term care, sometimes referred to as long-term living, is a wide range of assistive services provided to an individual based on their needs. OBJECTIVE We investigate the long-term trend over half a century in the proportion of people living alone, separately for different age and gender groups. A representative list of waiver participants, providers and advocates can be foundhere. Subscribe to our newsletter. Public Partnerships LLC is a subsidiary of Public Consulting Group, Inc. Office of Long Term Living Program, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, How to Access Secure Encrypted Emails from Public Partnerships, Direct Universal Precautions Video on Effective Hand Washing, Universal Precautions Video on Putting On & Removing Gloves, Universal Precautions Video on Using Disinfectant Cleaners, Universal Precautions Video on Handling Mail & Packages, Universal Precautions Video on Handling Contaminated Laundry, Direct Care Worker COVID-19 Essential Personnel Letter, PA Department of Health Handwashing Poster, PA Department of Health When to Seek Care, PA OLTL Guide for Participants with an Existing Employer Identification Number, CLE Orientation and Skills Training Handbook, Qualified Worker Rate Change Form, Spanish, Common Law Employer Monthly Reports Instructions for an Aging Participant, Common Law Employer Monthly Reports Instructions for a Non-Aging Participant, OLTL Common Law Employer Best Practices Series: Direct Care Workers, Roles & Responsibilities of the Common Law Employer, CLE Address-Phone Change Form Instructions, Employer Confirmation of Info Instructions, Separation of Employment Form Instructions, PA DCW Unique Identification Form, Spanish, New Direct Care Worker (DCW) Application Request Cover Letter, New Direct Care Worker (DCW) Application Request Cover Letter, Spanish, New Direct Care Worker (DCW) Application Request Form, New Direct Care Worker (DCW) Application Request Form, Spanish, USCIS Form I-9, Spanish (FOR REFERENCE ONLY), USCIS Form I-9 Instructions, Spanish (FOR REFERENCE ONLY), Employee's Nonwithholding Application Certificate (REV-419), Application for Tax Exemptions Instructions, Child Abuse Release Authorization Instructions, DCW Info on NonWithholding (Rev 419) Instructions, DCW Local Services Tax Exempt Instructions, Qualified Worker Rate Change Form Instructions, Residency Certification Form (CLGS-32-6) Instructions, Application for Difficulty of Care Federal Income Tax Exclusion, Application for Difficulty of Care Federal Income Tax Exclusion, Spanish, Fair Labor Standards Act Live-In Exemption, Fair Labor Standards Act Live-In Exemption, Spanish, Workplace Safety: Safe Lifting and Body Mechanics, Consumer Guidebook for Self-Directed Services, 12/5/18 Service Coordinator - CHC Training, Service Coordinator Training for CHC MCO SCE Training Manual, Service Coordinator Training for CHC PPL Enrolment Manager County Crosswalk, Service Coordinator Training for CHC PPL Referral to Good to Go Process, Service Coordinator Training for CHC -Service Coordinator Presentation, Service Coordinator Training #2 PPL Web Portal Referral, Service Coordinator Training #6 Program Participant Reports, Common Law Employer and Participant Services Change Form, New Participant FMS Referral Form with Options Transfer, New Participant Portal Referral Checklist, Semi-Annual Service Coordinator Orientation & Training Presentation, PA OLTL Semi-Annual Service Coordinator Orientation & Training (Webex), Service Coordinator Web Portal How-to Guide, OLTL Participant Directed Models of Service: Overview for Service Coordinators, Service Coordinator Training - Program Participant Reports, Work with a service coordinator to develop a service plan for their needs and goals, Hire, dismiss, schedule, and supervise their own direct care workers, Monitor spending online, whenever they want, Understand everyone's roles responsibilities in the program, Work as effectively as possible with Public Partnerships, Get the most out of participant direction. These activities include: Conducting the PASRR Assessment for individuals who do not intend to apply for LTSS. Reduces the administrative burden required for data entry into multiple systems (e.g., InterRAI. Participants and their workers can contact Tempus at the following information listed below. Go Green! Read or Download ePub Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living by Jim Cobb on Iphone Full Edition. PDF Direct Care Worker Policy Clarification & Guidance Pennsylvania reports long-term care COVID-19 data for Nursing Homes, Assisted Living and personal care homes. The Time4Care mobile app can be downloaded on iOS or Android phones or tablets. Governor Wolf signed Act 54 of 2022 (Act 54), which allocated $14.989 million from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to Direct care workers (DCWs) in the participant-directed model providing personal assistance services in support of the statewide response to COVID-19. State Plan on Aging. Resources for Older Adults | PHCA Office of Long-Term Living Enrollment Services Subsystem You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Keystone State. Transmit the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Eligibility/Ineligibility/Change Form (PA 1768) to the CAOs electronically, holding and automatically sending when connectivity is available. Short Term Management. Now open for applications: Long Term Care, Bullying, Substance Abuse Keystone State. The Office of Long-Term Living's (OLTL) Enrollment Services ECM module will be used by an enrollment services entity, DHS, and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) to manage the process to assist individuals in exploring and applying for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Through the ECM initiative, DHS will bring in-house functionality that the IEB's system currently provides and has issued a Request for Application (RFA) seeking an organization to operate as an Enrollment Services Entity (ESE). The estimated gross payment amount that a DCW can receive ranges from a few dollars to over $2,000. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) Program In this section Overview Program Documents Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Service Coordinators News Contact Information Contact Information Contact your Customer Service Team Customer Service Phone: 1-877-908-1750 Customer Service Email: cs-oltl@pcgus.com Now you can call in your worker's information and Public Partnerships will send you a pre-populated packet that will require only a few forms completion. Financial Management Services are available to participants who receive participant-directed services in the Community HealthChoices (CHC)and Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) waivers or the Act 150 program. Who May Apply: Nursing facilities, personal care homes, and assisted living residences in DHS' Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) system. Long Term Care Helpline: 1-800-753-8827 Hotline number for consumers and family members For further information about long-term care in Pennsylvania, please visit the Long Term Living in PA Web site at www.LongTermLivinginPA.com Adult Residential Licensing Operator Support Hotline: 1-866-503-3926 Hotline number for personal care home operators Attention DCWs to CHC Waiver Participants: Phone: 1-844-9TEMPUS (1-844-983-6787)Fax: 1-833-5TEMPUS (1-833-583-6787)TTY: 1-833-888-0133Email: PAFMS@tempusunlimited.orgWebsite: https://pa.tempusunlimited.org. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and consumer independence through the delivery of unique and compassionate care. The Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Commission ("LTCC") Final Report, recommended the commonwealth explore "enabl[ing] DCWs to provide additional services for long term services and supports . ECM should provide the ability for Case Managers to complete the following activities in real-time regardless of whether internet access is available: Review a checklist of information CAOs may need to process an application for HCBS. For more information about Pennsylvania's Long-Term Care Ombudsman or PEER Program, contact the Ombudsman office at 717-783-8975 or LTC-ombudsman@pa.gov. The Adult Residential Licensing's Operator Support Hotline is available from 9 a.m. to4 p.m.each business day.Calls to the Hotline may be anonymous and will not result in HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (March 1st, 2023) - Yesterday morning at the Harrisburg Hilton, the Pennsylvania Health Care Association (PHCA) hosted its first-ever Long-Term Care Policy Summit. Contact Public Partnerships Customer Service team by phone or email: 40 Broad Street, 4th Floor | Boston, Massachusetts 02109. May 15, 2020 . Please enable scripts and reload this page. Order of Selection (OOS) On July 1, 2021, the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) reopened the Order of Selection for individuals with a Most Significant Disability (MSD), discontinuing the waiting list for all MSD applicants. MarketWatch: Stock Market News - Financial News - MarketWatch En espaol | We're backing legislation that aims to give veterans more choices for long-term care by expanding their access to assisted living services covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Please reach out to the new F/EA, Tempus Unlimited, Inc. (Tempus). In addition, this rule reflects CMS' intent to ensure that individuals receiving services and supports through Medicaid's HCBS programs have full access to the benefits of community living and are able to receive services in the most integrated setting. Long Term Living Training Institute - ZoomInfo Organization Charts - Office of Administration Homepage Pennsylvania State University. Statewide there are 21 District Offices staffed with trained, professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors who serve Pennsylvania in all 67 counties. Box 8025, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8025. Pennsylvania poverty: We have to understand barriers to propserity Long-term Dynamics for a Living Fluid Model- Location-SC 1310. MA Fee Schedule RatesOLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2022OLTL HCBS Rates May 26, 2020OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2020OLTL HCBS Rates July 1, 2018OLTL HCBS RatesOctober 1, 2017OLTL HCBS Rates December 1, 2016OLTL HCBS Rates November 19, 2016OLTL HCBS Rates January 1, 2016OLTL HCBS Rates October 28, 2015OLTL HCBS Rates July 1, 2014OLTL HCBS Rates January 26, 2013OLTL HCBS Rates June 1, 2012OLTL Fee Schedule Rates-Regions. When these waivers closed, all participants were transferred to the CHC waiver. The OLTL Billing Instructions Bulletin contains information on quarter-hour unit billing, billable and non-billable activities for service coordinators, andnew rates. We shall treat each consumer/individual as though he/she is a beloved member of our family. The Hiram G. Andrews Center in Johnstown provides vocational training and comprehensive rehabilitation services to people from across the state. Rates have been updated! ndividuals seeking admission to skilled NFs regardless of intent to apply for LTSS. Leverages leading technologies that are easier to maintain than the technology currently used and improve the ability to respond to changes in program policies and procedures. Attorneys lead Dinner & Dialogue program | News | dailycourier.com Governor Wolf signed Act 54 of 2022 (Act 54), which allocated $14.989 million from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to Direct care workers (DCWs) in the participant-directed model providing personal assistance services in support of the statewide response to COVID-19. We will offer choice, control, quality, stability, safety, and freedom to the consumer. Rick Santorum - Wikipedia Download the following materials to begin using the Time4Care mobile app: For further questions and assistance in setting up a Telephony account, ask a Customer Service representative. Pennsylvania State Police. The cost is $15 for each session or $40 for the series. Office of Long Term Living. The rule supports enhanced quality in the HCBS programs and adds protections for individuals receiving services. OLTLuses an agency called theIndependent Enrollment Broker (IEB)to determine an OLTL currently contracts with an Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB), which provides application and enrollment services and choice counseling to individuals who apply for LTSS under an OLTL Program. 733 Bishop Street Suite #170 Honolulu, HI . Reservations are required and can be arranged at fcctrust@zoominternet.net. All documents related to the 2023 CHC and OBRAWaiver Amendments are located in Additional Resources. Long Term Management. Complete FEDs using the Pennsylvania Individualized Assessment (PIA) system and upload the assessment to the InterRAI. OLTL Issues Guidance About Critical Incident Reporting in CHC - RCPA Box 8025, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8025. For more information on the Final Rule, go to: http://www.medicaid.gov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program-Information/By-Topics/Long-Term-Services-and-Supports/Home-and-Community-Based-Services/Home-and-Community-Based-Services.html. Judy Schwank - Wikipedia OLTL will post Transition Plan education and outreach events as they are developed: OLTL is committed to stakeholder involvement in the development of its Transition Plans, as well as in the assessment of provider settings and the remediation processes. OLTL sends the functional eligibility denial notices today. Pennsylvania Parole Board. Allows for users to schedule the Intake Visit Assessment (IVA) electronically at the start of the application and enrollment process. 'Download [PDF]] Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter Service Type Caregiver Support Program - Pennsylvania Department of Aging Please refer to the appropriate Waiver Program for a comprehensive service definition as well as any service limitations and provider qualifications. Grace Manor Nursing Home - The Big Freeze Festival Licenses & Certifications . Bala-Cynwyd, PA 19004 $38,000 - $45,000 a year Full-time Day shift + 1 Service Coordinator Patient Care Coordination Philadelphia, PA 19123 (Callow Hill area) $35,560 - $38,000 a year Full-time Monday to Friday + 1 R&E Nurse- Med Care Services (698166) TulaRay Pittsburgh, PA Estimated $74.6K - $94.5K a year Contract Home About Us Our Services COSA and PCA Services Office of Long Term Living Services (OLTL) Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Waivers Careers Resources Office of Long-Term Living Deputy Secretary Kevin Hancock's last day at DHS will be Friday, June 12. If a facility has a question about its enrollment, the facility should email ra-dhcovidvax@pa.gov or call 717-787-5681. The estimated gross payment amount that a DCW can receive ranges from a few dollars to over $2,000. Pennsylvania - Office of Long Term Living Services (OLTL) - Call 267-292-2876 or email info@ritechoiceservices.com to request for Home Care, OLTL and COSA. Thesematerialshave been translated from English into the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Khmer (Cambodian), Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. This page will help you: Know what the program can do for you; Understand everyone's roles responsibilities in the program https://www.carehome.co.uk/carehome.cfm/searchazref/20001053GREA Rick Furno - Project Manager / Assistant Director of Studies - The Witt is a partner in WatsonMundorff, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 720 Vanderbilt Road. For OLTL, this includes providers supporting individuals within the Aging, AIDS, Attendant Care, COMMCARE, Independence, and OBRA Waivers. A Democrat, she was elected to the Pennsylvania Senate from the 11th district in a special election on March 15, 2011 to succeed the late Michael O'Pake. What our caregivers had to go through before they are hired at RiteChoice Family Services, Inc. Sign up for regular updates with RiteChoice Family Services, Inc. In Pennsylvania, ombudsmen investigate and work to resolve individual complaints and issues on behalf of consumers of long-term care services. Direct Care Workers (DCWs) who provided services from 8/16/2020 through 10/24/2020 qualify to receive Hazard Pay. Keystone State. How to contact Tempus: Phone: 1-844-9TEMPUS ( 1-844-983-6787) Fax: 1-833-5TEMPUS (1-833-583-6787) TTY: 1-833-888-0133 Email: PAFMS@tempusunlimited.org Website: https://pa.tempusunlimited.org Accessibility Self-Directed Home Care for: State Programs Tools . Simplify your life and download the Time4Care app today. The Pennsylvania Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) program assists elderly people and adults with disabilities through the Attendant Care Act 150 program and these five Medicaid waivers: Aging Waiver, Attendant Care Waiver, CommCare Waiver, Independence Waiver, OBRA Waiver Home | Contact | Search LoginSign Up | BetterOnline Web Portal: Upon obtaining the gavel, the new speaker proclaimed, "I'm grateful for all who fought before me so that this day was possible. The ESE will be expected to process LIFE enrollments they receive within the DHS Daily Proprietary File, which will trigger LIFE Automation functionality within eCIS that was implemented with Community HealthChoices (CHC). CTP puts Nursing Home data in the Nursing Home category, Assisted Living in the Assisted Living category, and Long-Term Care data in the Lumped or Other category in our dataset. HCBS Quality Improvement Funding Opportunity Guidelines and Request Form - Updated May 13, 2022, Public Comments on Agency with Choice RFI - Updated April 21, 2022, Nursing Facility Ventilator/Tracheostomy (Vent-Trach) Provider Payment ($4,283,000), Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR) ($26,767,000), Agency Personal Assistance Provider Payment ($59,957,000), Adult Daily Living Provider Payment ($6,959,000), Residential Habilitation Provider Payment ($535,000), Nursing Facility Medicaid Days Payment ($104,926,000) - Updated October 14, 2022, Nursing Facility Licensed Bed Payment ($26,231,000), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Act 54 Payments - Notification, Instructions, and Timelinesfor Personal Care Homes (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Act 54 Payments - Notification, Instructions, Timelines for Nursing Facilities (NF) Not Enrolled in the Medical Assistance (MA)Program, Act 54 Payment Letter to Nursing Facility Providers, Act 54 Payment Letter to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Providers, Act 54 Payment Letter to Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) Providers, Strengthening the Workforce Letter to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers, Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) ProviderAttestation form forHome and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers, Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) Provider Attestation formforAdult Day Services (ADS) Providers, Strengthening the Workforce Payments to Adult Day Services (ADS) Providers, Strengthening the Workforce Payments Communication, Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residence (ALR) Payment 2 ($3,000,000), Facility Acceptance Forms Received by DHS, Indoor Air Management Strategies Grant Program - Request for Applications (eMarketplace), Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 2, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 3, Indoor Air management Approved Grants - Week 4, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 5, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 6, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 7, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 8, Indoor Air Management Approced Grants - Week 9, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 10& 11, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 12 & 13, Indoor Air Management Approved Grants - Week 14, Adult Day Services (ADS) Payment ($13,000,000), Home Health Care and Home Care Agency PersonalAssistance Services (PAS) Payment($112,000,000), Personal Care Home (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR), Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Payment ($10,000,000), Community HealthChoices (CHC) Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Payment ($50,000,000), Residential Habilitation (Res-Hab)Payment ($1,000,000), Ventilator or Tracheostomy (Vent-Trach) Care Payment ($8,000,000), Act 24 COVID-19 Nursing FacilityCost Reporting Presentation(11/16/20), Act 24 COVID-19 Nursing FacilityCost Reporting Presentation Slides(11/16/20), Act 24 COVID-19 Non-Nursing Facility Cost Reporting Presentation Slides (12/1/20), View corresponding bulletins relating to this material, In-Person Drop-In Sessions for Participants in Commuity HealthChoices (CHC)Participant-Directed Services, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda9.3.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 9.3.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 10.1.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 10.1.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 12.3.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 12.3.21, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 1.7.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 1.7.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 2.4.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 2.4.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Agenda 2.18.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 2.18.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 2.18.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Agenda 3.4.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 3.4.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 3.4.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 4.1.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 4.1.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 4.1.22, FMS Transiion Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 5.6.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 5.6.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 5.6.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 6.3.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 6.3.22(Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 6.3.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 6.17.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 6.17.22 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 6.17.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda7.1.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 7.1.22 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 7.1.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 8.5.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 8.5.22 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 8.5.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 9.2.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 9.2.22 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 9.2.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda 10.7.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 10.7.22 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 10.7.22, FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Tempus Presentation 1.6.23 (Slides), FMS Transition Stakeholder Meeting Q&A 1.6.23, Service Coordination Afterhours Phone Numbers, Long-Term CareNursing Facility Providers, Notice of Service determination and the RIGHT to Appeal (MA561), Office of Medical Assistance Programs Provider Bulletins, PROMISe Provider Enrollment Base Application CHECKLIST, November 6, 2021 (ACT 150 and OBRA Rates), Oct.28, 2015 Rate Notice (Waiver Changes), Sept.13, 2014 Rate Notices (Service Coordination), Sept.13, 2014 Rate Notices (PAS Consumer-Directed), Jan.26, 2013 Rate Notice (Service Coordination), July 14, 2012 Service Coordination Rate Notice, Service Plan Assurances and Performance Measures Training March 2015 (PowerPoint), Employment and Employment Related Services Webinar, PPL Contract Summary as Posted to PA Treasury Website, Public Partnerships' Web PortalInstruction Guide for Service Coordinators, FMS FAQ #1 for Service Coordinators 9/27/2012, FMS FAQ #2 for Service Coordinators 9/27/2012, New Participant FMS Referral Form w-Options.
Bodies On Everest Documentary, Brunswick County Animal Shelter, Articles O