Exam 1 Quizlet Typed out quizlet University Galen College of Nursing Course Nursing Practice - Mental Health (NSG 3450) Uploaded by AF Angel Flynn Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? A) severity of dementia. *D) "Tell me what you mean by 'bad blood'. When considering cultural competence, there are discrete areas that the nurse must develop knowledge of to understand the health care needs of others. A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. A) the non-Hispanic white population tends to be younger. The interpretation by the nurse will improve communication. Feedback: INCORRECT - *E* Eye-opener - Do you drink in the morning (i.e. *Feedback: CORRECT* EXAM 2 - HEALTH ASSESSMENT - MISC from PPT (2) Study online at 12. introduction to health assessment define health and health assessment state of complete physical, mental, and being and not Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew D) used to perform a thorough or comprehensive health history and physical examination. An emergency database is rapid collection of the data often obtained concurrently with lifesaving measures. *complete health history data category 2. Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* Test Bank - Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8e (by Jarvis) 161. Depression is assessed during the review of systems and during the mental status assessment (mood and affect). From a biomedical perspective, health is defined as the absence of disease or elimination of symptoms and signs of disease. *Feedback: CORRECT* A) physical findings, such as skin appearance, to support historic data. Prepare yourself to test your knowledge with this Health assessment MCQs quiz. B) substance use and abuse. A) hearing loss The *meaning of health and illness is determined*, in part, *by the way members of a person's culture define them. B) exercise and activity, leisure activities, and level of independence. These discrete areas include understanding of: (Select all that apply.) D) Socialization experience B) Dizziness D) 11. D) Readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being (3) And choice of *healers.*. * Use this when the person's word choice is ambiguous or confusing (e.g., "Tell me what you mean by 'tired blood.' Feedback: INCORRECT A) "Mr. Jones, I want to ask you some questions about your health so that we can plan your care." The best way for . What type of data base is most appropriate when a rapid collection of data is required and often compiled concurrently with life-saving measures? C) English proficiency is associated with a lower quality of care. Feedback: INCORRECT Before you can understand the role that beliefs and values play in a person's life, you must understand culturally dominant values and personal values. Ineffective self-health management is an example of a third-level priority. B) Health exists when physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social needs are met. School-age children (starting at age 7) have the verbal ability to add important data to the history. (1) Providing false assurance or reassurance, C) their personal belief models. The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. (2) the *cultural beliefs and practices* of different people. *A) his or her own heritage. Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. Closed or direct questions and statements ask for specific information. Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? *C) left knee has been swollen and hot for the past 3 days. Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew *complete health history data category 7.*. Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? Welcome to N5220 Advanced Health Assessment meet and greet letter.docx. Feedback: INCORRECT C) excessive or uncontrollable drinking. B) rephrase the same questions later in the interview. - Any childhood illnesses or accidents, Immunization data, On the basis of median age: You should also understand *culture-bound syndromes,* which may have no equivalent from a biomedical perspective. Refer to feedback in option B. A) complaints of left knee pain. *A) "Mr. Jones, I want to ask you some questions about your health so that we can plan your care. * The purposes of the review of systems are to evaluate the past and present health state of each body system, to double-check in case any significant data were omitted in the present illness section, and to evaluate health promotion practices. Through *facilitation*, *silence*, *reflection*, *empathy*, and *clarification*, you react to the facts or feelings the patient has communicated. steps of health assessment: - collection of subjective data. B) personal response to stress. This option is not within the context of the interview. Your response *focuses on the patient's frame of reference.*. Feedback: INCORRECT It is smaller in scope and more targeted than the complete database. Empathy is therapeutic; sympathy is nontherapeutic. Students also viewed ATI questions 231 Exam 2 study guide - exam 2 nsg3450 Mental Health Exam 3 - nsg3450 D) a short statement of general health status. C) the heritage of the nursing profession. * (9) Interrupting, All of the exams use these questions from the test banks. Through *confrontation*, *interpretation*, *explanation*, and *summary*, your response *focuses on your own frame of reference*, thoughts, and feelings. *D) the cause of disease. The most appropriate introduction to use to start an interview with an older adult patient is: A) Collect accurate data B) Assist the physician C) Validate previous data B) cultural and ethnic values. Refer to feedback in Option B. 2. Refer to feedback in Option B. With this question, the nurse is seeking information about: Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT A health *interview* is a structured interaction between you and the patient. When taking a health history from an adolescent, the interviewer should: A) Behavior theory B) a personal effort to find meaning and purpose in life. Which theory has been expanded in an attempt to study the degree to which a person's lifestyle reflects his or her traditional heritage? This introduction is a closed-ended question. Feedback: INCORRECT The amount of nutritional information needed depends on the child's age; the younger the child is the more detailed and specific the data should be. Norton Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from five . B) Limited English proficiency is associated with a higher quality of care. Feedback: INCORRECT A discrete area of knowledge for cultural competence is understanding of ones own heritage, the heritage of the nursing profession, the heritage of the patient, and the heritage of the health care system. Health Assessment Exam 1- PPT and quiz questi, HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 PRACTICE QUESTIONS, Health Assessment Exam #1 (Ch. D) Patients with language barriers have a decreased risk of nonadherence to medication regimens. C) the process of being raised within a culture. * 2. ongoing or partial. Initial Comprehensive Assessment 2. . A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. Health Assessment ATI EXAM 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Health Assessment ATI EXAM 1 5.0 (13 reviews) Term 1 / 30 A nurse is introducing herself to a client as the first step of a comprehensive physical examination. After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respirations are eupneic, and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. *D) used to perform a thorough or comprehensive health history and physical examination. Your mutual *goal* is the *patient's optimal health*. (1) it is *learned* from birth through language acquisition and socialization. D) stand next to the patient to convey a professional demeanor. Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew Category: Health Detail Health Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT The incidence of breast cancer varies with different cultural groups. Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. Health assessment is a plan of care that focuses on the specific needs of a patient and how the healthcare system, or you can say, the skilled nursing facility, will address those needs of patients. The nurse is assessing a client's smoking behavior. Areas covered under self-esteem and self-concept include: B) Cognition and literacy level Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides people with limited English proficiency access to health care; these individuals cannot be denied health care services. A) Episodic - A developmental overview, Socialization is the process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the characteristics of that group. *, During the first phase, *introduce the interview.*. Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* - Touch. D) ethnocentric language. The patient may not share personal feelings if fear is experienced. Feedback: INCORRECT Write an editorial for your school newspaper in which you explain whether you find King's ideas and methods of standing up for his beliefs applicable today. C) Documented relationship of support systems * *A) the logic of the traditional belief systems. *Feedback: CORRECT* Table of Contents This list of brief health assessment questions is organized by behavior or risk and sorted alphabetically. Spirituality is defined as: Hearing loss is more common in whites than in blacks. D) Older adults What are the four kinds of databases? A) "I know just how you feel." B) used for a limited or short-term problem usually consisting of one problem, one cue complex, or one body system. Feedback: INCORRECT For the well person, the present health or history of present illness is a short statement about the general state of health. - validation of data. D) arthritis. A nursing diagnosis is best described as: C) aggravating factors. The adolescent interview during the health history should be with the youth alone; the parent(s) may wait in the waiting area and complete other past health questionnaire forms. A) There are laws addressing language barriers and health care. These nonproductive verbal messages include: Interpersonal relationships and resources such as support systems are assessed during the functional assessment of the complete health history. Questions marked with are suitable for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) health risk assessment. It is including subjective and objective information of patient medication. This is a closed or direct statement. A) a determination of the etiology of disease. A) decreased range of motion. B) Follow-up Exam (elaborations) - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity (subjective data+medicatio.